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Descubre el exquisito sabor de la tradición españonda con esta selección de paleta de cebo ibérica loncheada de Canpipork, procedente directamente de la renombrada entrada de Guijuelo. Cada loncha es un homenaje al paladar, cuidadosamente curada siguiendo métodos artesanales y respetando los tiempos que demanda la excelencia. Al degustar este manjar, apreciarás la calidad superior del 50% de raza ibérica, que garantiza una experiencia sensorial única gracias a su textura y efluvio incomparables. Presentada en un formato práctico de 500 gramos, esta paleta de cebo ibérica es ideal para compartir en reuniones familiares, eventos especiales o simplemente para disfrutar de un capricho gourmet en la tranquilidad de tu hogar. Nuestros sobres contienen lonchas finamente cortadas, preservando todo el sabor y frescura gracias al envasado al vano con separadores entre cada loncha y con un sistema abrefácil que te permitirá disfrutar de este producto de modo inmediata y sin complicaciones.

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Evite impagos con monitoriza® , el doctrina online que le permitirá mandar de forma Apto el aventura comercial de su cartera de clientes y obtener que todas sus operaciones comerciales se traduzcan en cobros.

CANPIPORK is a food company whose main activity is the production and manufacturing of Iberian pork products. We are characterized by having a high quality standard and one of the largest varieties of Iberian products on the iberian market.

Indulge in the authentic taste of Spain with our premium Assortment of Iberian Sliced Guijuelo Canpipork. This 200-gram selection brings together the finest flavors of the Iberian Peninsula, meticulously crafted and ready to grace your table with unmatchable quality. From Guijuelo, a region renowned for its exquisite cured meats, these Iberian delicacies are sourced from Circunscrito artisans who have perfected their craft over generations. In one convenient package, savor the rich and savory notes of Iberian ham, the delicate spiciness of chorizo, the robust essence of salchichón, and the subtly seasoned loin. Each slice is a testament to the tradition and gastronomic heritage of Guijuelo – a treat for connoisseurs and casual fans of Spanish cuisine alike. Crafted using the finest Iberian bait pork, these slices are seasoned with a harmonious blend of salt, paprika, and aromatic spices like garlic and oregano.

One of CANPIPORKs´ main value and the key of our success is our human team, which gathers a huge and multidisciplinary professional profile, working together in an unique project to reach an unique goal: Providing our customers the best and largest variety of Iberian Pork products, with all the quality, security and food traceability guarantees.

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CANPIPORK is located in Guijuelo (Salamanca), the birthplace of the Iberian Jam. Our products are exposed to the best natural curing process due to the proximity to the Béjar Sierra and its privileged microclimate (Cold and dry winters and mild and short summers).

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CANPIPORK es una empresa del sector de la víveres dedicada a la elaboración y comercialización de productos del inmundo ibérico, caracterizándose por tener un elevado en serie de calidad y por disponer de una de las mayores variedades de productos ibéricos del mercado, con capacidad para exportar y acertar a conocer esta sortija de la gastronomía españoleaje a prácticamente cualquier lugar del mundo.

Ganador a result of several years of investigation, CANPIPORK has determined an unique genetics and feeding of its animals, which has made the high quality of our products posible.

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